Do you know what is Sahil Nabatati Oil and what are is usage
and benefits?
We know that hair has three main types which are oily hair,
normal hair and dry hair. All these types of hair may have problems which need
proper care. Sahil Nabatati Oil helps to treat and cure hair fall, split ends,
dandruff, short hair, thin hair, baldness and many other issues.
Nabatati Oil benefits:
Rogan e Sahil Nabatati is an excellent...
السبت، 21 ديسمبر 2019
ديسمبر 21, 2019
dry fruits, health benefits, healthy snacks, pregnancy food
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Apricot Dry Fruit, Khubani Health Benefits
Khubani (Dry apricot) is one of the highly nutrient dry fruit. Apricot dried fruit is commonly known as khushak khubani, qubani,khurmani or sukhi khubani in Urdu and Hindi and scientifically referred to as Prunus armeniaca, is closely related to plums. Khubani or apricot is good source of Potassium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Vitamin...
الخميس، 12 ديسمبر 2019
ديسمبر 12, 2019
cereals, nutritions, wheat
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Dalia, Porridge or Bulgur Health
Dalia food benefits
Porridge is also known as Dalia, oat meal or bulgur which has number of health benefits. it is a superb cereal diet for people who wish to lose weight. When you are looking for cereals, broken wheat oats and Daliya food is source of lots of nutrition that is why its perfect diet for a good start. Dalia is...
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